The Pyrography Ball Tip – Make Superb Curves And Dots
The PYROGRAPHY BALL TIPS appear slightly different from the rest. With the spherical shape on the head, it is natural to wonder while using this tip. It is unparalleled for free hand curves and dots. This article will help you understand various features and qualities of woodburning with this head.
All About This Tool

- Compatible Burner: Since this nib has a different design and the sphere is separately placed at the very edge of the tip, it heats a little differently than the usual burners. You will have to use a good-quality burner to heat the entire metal tool evenly. So, make sure to use a burner tool with 30-60 WATT power.
- Material: It can be made with stainless steel, nickel-chromium wire, or brass. You can choose the one that seems more efficient and cost-saving to you. These pens are more popular for calligraphy, curves, dots, and circles, as it works best in such areas.
- Limitations: This tool is not widely used for all types of pyrography methods because it has some limitations. Unlike the chisel point or shading point, this particular tool does not burn everything perfectly. It was never easy for me to draw sharp edges and sharp points with the rounded head.
- User-Friendliness: Wire ball tips are very light, making them quite easy to handle. If you are already working with different heads, you won’t have a tough time figuring it out. But if not, you may require some practice to get the precisions.

Available Sizes
When it comes to the size, here is what you should know.
- This does not come at a fixed size, as it mostly depends on the manufacturers.
- And based on that, you will find the rounded heads of different sizes, such as 0.4mm, 0.8mm, 1.2mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.4mm, and even as large as 5.5mm.
- The smaller sizes are suitable for burning thinner lines and curves.
- On the other hand, larger balls are suitable for covering more areas at once and shadings.
Best For
- Curves: These are really great for curves. You can burn any curve from dark to light shades.
- Dots: Dots work perfectly with it as the tip itself represents a dot shape.
- Circles: Like dots, you can burn circles with the tip more precisely.
Okay For
- Lines: You can burn lines with it, but it can be challenging. It will require your arm to remain more steady the entire time.
- Lettering: Though most people believe that the ball tip is best for lettering or calligraphy, I would say it’s not exactly the best tool for the job. If the head is small, you may get away with doing regular calligraphy, but it will not offer the best burning if you do block lettering.
- Shading: It is somewhat okay when it comes to shading. You can shade using the curve, circle, and dot motions.
The following video shows the uses of ball top burners.
Here’s one more video that tells you the specific uses of ball tips.
Moreover, this interesting article will give you ideas about different nibs and their uses.
End Words
Ball tip is not a solution for all kinds of woodburning strokes. But it is very powerful tool for shapes having smooth lines, curves and curvatures. They are used to make shades as shading strokes require multiple touches with pens and no abrupt sharp burns. This tip is inevitable to have for the intermediate to professional pyrography artists.