Pyrography Chairs – 4 Grand Patterns
Making pyrography chair is fun, and it induces a massive splendor on the furniture.
From the very early era of pyrography, utensils and furniture have been among the common items that would have pyrography on them. And over time, a chair, which is often used as a symbol of power, became a popular item to do pyrography on. So today, I will talk about some popular chair pyrography patterns.
Preferred Areas For Chair Pyrography
While an artist can choose any area of it, there are still certain parts where the wood burning design looks a little better and more aesthetic. And these parts are-

If you have a throne type one, the backrest will be facing the audience or anyone who comes to your home. So that is the ideal place for pyrography artwork.
The Back

The long and wide back is a pyrographer’s burning canvas. You can fill it with any type of pattern you want.
Arms And Legs

The arms and legs are great for floral design. But you can also wood burn them with abstract or tribal patterns.
Fabric Pyrography on the Seat

- You can bring a great variety in look via burning the design on the fabric used as a seat wrapper and back rest.
- An extra care should be taken for fabric pyrography as fabric has lower burning temperature than that of wood.
- Here is an informative article on fabric pyrography.
Pyrography Pattern Ideas On Them
Floral Patterns

- It is a fully professional work. You have to have a lot of practice for attaining this level of dexterity.
- Patterns are easy to follow but the shades and realistic tones are tough to execute
- Gives off a vintage look
- This is fantastically suitable on a Cathedra
Landscape Patterns

- Advanced level pyrography
- If done properly, these landscape burn arts give a grand vibe
- This is hugely popular on recliners since the exclusive wood burn increases the value manifolds
- The patterns are often complex
- Requires a lot of time and skills to finish
Geometric Patterns

- If you are not a professional burn artist, you will ruin the project
- The shape of the burn pattern can be simple geometrical one. The image above contains a sun ray shaped pattern at the back rest
- The complexity of the pattern depends on the artist
Abstract Patterns on Leather Back

- It is never a beginner friendly pattern. You can do it if you have made dozens previously
- Suitable to personalize a rocker also for someone
- Can also be done using quotes or landscapes or Celtic patterns
- These are highly sought after products commercially
Relevant Resources
- Pyrography on box
- An interesting video on Japanese style chair pyrography
Another small video, given below, on flame burner pyrography on wooden chair.
Final Words
While some people use the entire chair as their pyrography canvas, I believe the pyrography looks more aesthetic when you keep the patterns simple yet artistic enough. But most of the time, it also depends on the artist’s choice and method. So keep exploring!