Why is the Pyrography Pen Not Heating up? – 8 Common Causes and Solutions

Did you ever wonder, why the pyrography pen not heating up? Did you ever have an important pyrography project at hand, and suddenly you notice the heating pen is not burning at the required temperature? Or maybe the pen temperature is not working at all, even though you set it right?

Major reasons for any pyrography pen (burner tool) not getting heated up –

  1. It is not properly connected to the outlet
  2. The pen or nib is faulty
  3. Temperature knob is set at the minimum point
  4. Power supply is malfunctioning
  5. The carbon buildup has gone unchecked for too long 

All these are discussed in detail later on, I have included a few more reasons as well. Moreover, solutions are also given for your quick grasp. 

Why Is The Woodburning Pen Not Heating Up?

So, you have discovered that, for some reason, the nib seems dead. But why so? Check out the following possible causes that could be the culprit behind the “Pen Not Heating Up” problems you are facing.

1. Loose or Broken Connection

There you have the most common cause behind a burner pen’s not heating up. Sometimes, we fail to pay enough attention when connecting the tools. And often, we don’t realize that the tools are not properly plugged into the power outlet or the switch is not turned on. If that is the case, the tool will not heat up at all.


  1. Check if your home has power supply or a load shedding is going on
  2. Check pyrography machine [power supply with (or without) digital display] is connected with power socket properly
  3. Check if the pyrography pen/ burner is properly connected with the pyrography machine or not

2. Power Supply Issue

Sometimes the power supply can be prone to technical troubles.


  1. This may be about the functional problem with the circuitry of the machine
  2. If you notice that the pen is not heating up despite being connected with the live supply system, it could be an internal power supply problem
  3. The connecting wires/joints/soldering of the machine and the connectors may get loose
  4. Unless you know all about how the tool is designed and can be fixed, fixing this issue is not your forte. It is best to let a professional look into it.
  5. If it is a DIY burner that you made, you can check the wirings and made-up tips to check the issue.
pyrography pen not heating up - reasons and solutions
Pyrography pen not heating up

3. Check Temperature Knob

Whenever I notice that my pyrography pen is not heating up enough, checking the temperature level is one of the first things I do.


  1. It is not unusual to forget to turn up the power level. As a result, the pen or its tip does not get required heat.
  2. You can just increase the temperature by rotating the switch, and the pen will start getting hot. But make sure to check the temperature on something else to check if the heat is good enough for you.

4. Inconsistency in Heat

It is when the pen temperature keeps going up and down without staying at a fixed level.


  1. One of the common reasons behind this is the connection issue. Check the power supply and burner tool connections.
  2. May be you are in a room with strong wind or have a fan running next to your workspace, which is cooling down the pen even if the temperature is high. Turn the fan off or move to a less open area. However, make sure the room is well-ventilated.

5. Short Circuit

It has two terminals. Both of these are connected by separate wires to the pen from opposite sites. The terminal must remain that way to ensure proper power and heat distribution. So if you notice that the terminals are touching together or connected together, and it is extremely dangerous to touch the naked wire and short circuit, you are at the fullest risk of getting electrocuted.


  1. When the terminals are touching together, the screws that secured them must have come loose. If you have a screwdriver that fits the pen screw tip, you can use it to tighten the loose screws.
  2. Separating the terminals should be fairly easy if it is a DIY device. But if it seems complicated, you can have it checked by a mechanic or professional.

6. Faulty Nib Tip

Maybe it is not the pen’s fault that it is not heating up, but the problem lies with the tips. The tip can be responsible for the problem for various reasons. First, it could be loosely attached to the pen, or the tip is old and worn out and is not getting accurate heat.


  1. If the nib is faulty, there isn’t anything else to do than changing it.
  2. And if the heating issue is happening because of the loose nib, you can use a pair of tweezers to grab and tighten it. And whatever you do, do not try to burn wood with a faulty tip.

7. Too Much Carbon Buildup

As you burn on the wood surface, it starts to create burnt carbon, and most of it often sticks to the metal tip. And over time, the carbon buildup on the pen becomes so much that the accurate temperature cannot go past them to burn the wood correctly. Besides, too much carbon buildup can damage the nib and even the burning pen itself.


  1. It is wise to clean the pyrography pen tip prior to wood burning.
  2. Some pyrographers would even sand it a bit to ensure there is no carbon buildup left.
  3. So you must clean the pen tip before and after using it. And if the carbon buildup seems too stubborn, you can sand them off or keep the tip in warm water before cleaning it.

8. Faulty Tool

Sometimes, it is not the connection, burner machine or terminal that prevents it from heating up. If you have a damaged or faulty pen, it will not heat up easily or heat at all. But how do you know that it is faulty? If you have tried the above-mentioned troubleshooting tips and the device is still not working, the pen is definitely the culprit.


  1. A faulty or damaged pen can often be fixed if the issue is not too bad. But if it isn’t fixable, it is best to discard it and get a new one.
  2. Besides, a faulty pen will fail to offer consistency in temperature, and you will end up with poorly done pyrography art.

It is interesting to work with troubles, as troubles make you seasoned. Here in this article you will find more woodburning troubles and how to solve them.

Moreover, this video will show one very interesting issue and some solutions.


Q. How long does it take for the pyrography pen to heat up?

In most cases, a pyrography pen takes around 3-5 minutes to heat up enough. However, if you are using a low temperature or if there is something wrong with the pen, it can take longer for it to heat up.

Q. What should be the wood burning temperature?

Generally, a pyrography pen can get as hot as 700°-1000° Fahrenheit or 375°-538° Celsius. The right temperature for burning wood largely depends on your burner tool, pen quality, and project type. So the best thing to do is check the temperature on a separate wood piece to see if the burning shade seems right.

Q. Are wood burning pens safe?

Yes, wood burning pens are safe. There is almost no risk of getting hurt while using these pens unless you don’t take the safety measures of – wearing gloves, using pen stand, disconnecting it while not in use, not touching the hot nib.

Q. How long does it take to heat up a pyrography pen?

It takes around 2 to 5 minutes to heat up a pyrography pen. The time depends on the heat conductivity of the metal alloy and the current passing through it.


If you ever wondered why is your woodburning pen not getting hot or not burning the wood at the correct temperature, now you know. Undoubtedly, it is a simple yet complex tool. That is why it is important to check if the pen is working before you start your wood burning project.

More Resources

  1. All safety issues in woodburning

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    1. Hi Nancy! This is not an uncommon problem. Try the following things –
      1. Check the scale of temperature, if it is 200 degrees Celsius, the tip should be heating up. You may not be able to make any burn impression on the wood at this temperature though. If 200 is in Fahrenheit, it means 93 degrees Celsius. So, increase the temperature and check again please.
      2. Most brands offer interchangeable tips. If no other tip is getting heated then at any higher temperature even, the connection between the tip and the pen is broken. Circuit is not complete, I meant.
      3. If the pen is faulty, you should change the pen if you cannot open and fix it. But the supplier should give you a replacement if it is within the warranty period.

      Please let me know if it is solved finally.

  1. I purchased a electric wood burning pen from Afantti
    Used once to test. A month later I tried to use it today and it isn’t heating
    I am so frustrated

    1. Hi Carol!
      Don’t get frustrated. It happens.
      1. Try on some other electrical socket at home to check if the socket you had inserted the plug in first is okay or not.
      2. Change the tip, check if it is still dead for other tips.
      3A. If you have an ammeter/voltmeter/multimeter at home you can check if the burner machine ( the black heavy power source for your pen) is delivering current. It requires a little experience of handling it, if you don’t have any experience, don’t try it. Risk of electrical shock is there.
      3B. A broken circuit will not carry the electrical current. You can check the same device mentioned in 3A to check if the electrical circuit is complete in your pen, as Afantii device pens are separable from the power source.
      4. If it is still not working – check if your purchase has warranty/replacement/return policy.

      Do let me know the status dear!

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