Superb Tips And Tricks For Pyrography Feathers
Whether you are wood burning the portrait of a Native American with a headdress or a bird, the feather is the most critical part to burn. But is there an easy way to do pyrography feathers? Well, I wouldn’t call them easy, but you can certainly follow some tricks and tips to do it right. And you will find all the necessary information regarding wood burning feathers in this article.

Pen Tips To Use For Feather Pyrography

If you are wood burning a simple feather, you may get away with one type of tip. However, professional pyrographers suggest the following 3 types for the best result.
Heavy Bent Wire Skew Tip
Some feathers require heavy shading, or you might need to burn some areas darker than others. You can use a heavy bent tip to burn only the areas that need thick and darker shades.
Flat/Rounded Tip
This type of burner pen tip helps create feather patterns. Whether small or big, you use the flat edge of the tip to burn each line of the feather with short, slow, and even strokes.
Shading Tip
Burning feathers with sharper edges make the lines too visible. So you can use a shading tip to run over the burn lightly and evenly to remove the visible edges and make them smoother.
How To Do Feather Pyrography?

Here is a short and simple guideline to help you with wood burning.
- The best way to wood burn feathers is to draw the pattern or trace it in wood using a pencil or any other method.
- Then using your preferred burner tip, burn one side of the feather with slow but small strokes.
- Make sure to keep burning the side without stopping to maintain consistency.
- Then burn the other side in the same way.
- You can use different burner tips to achieve multiple shades and add details.
How do you burn a wooden feather?
First, you need to set the feather pattern on the base. Then, you have to use a pyrography pen with a sharp nib to draw the pattern on the wood. Practice some shading and hatching on a piece of wood.
Final Words
Working on feather pyrography requires skill and precision. So make sure to practice a lot to achieve the perfection you want in your project.
Related Resources
- Here is a video demonstration of feather wood burn.
- You can check this article of bird pyrography, there are a lot of feather burn art example in each of realistic bird pyrography.