
A Guide To Amazing CNC Pyrography Machine

The CNC PYROGRAPHY MACHINE (CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control), burns wood without requiring to do the task manually. Because this machine is connected to a computer or mobile photo using a router system and is used for wood burning.

While the CNC woodburn machine makes the wood burning task more precise, accurate, and flawless, it also has certain drawbacks and challenges. And in this article, you will learn pretty much everything about this machine, including how it works, what type of challenges you may face and how you can make the best use of it.

How Does A CNC Woodburn Machine Work?

Unlike the regular burner tool and pyrography pen work, the CNC machine does not require any manual burning. Since it is a computer-based device, all you have to do is insert your design into the machine’s program. 

Once you have done that, the program will turn the image into computerized code after analyzing it. Once the machine is connected to the computer through the router, the machine will automatically begin to burn the material and print the design.

You will notice that the burner tool in the machine moves at different speeds when it’s burning. In areas where the design is light or does not have a design, the tip will move at high speed. Because when it moves at high speed, it will not burn the wood.

On the other hand, the tip will move but slowly in places where you require more burning and details. With various speed levels, you get different shades on the pyrography artwork.

Using this method repeatedly, the hot burner tips keep moving line by line until the design is complete.

Here is a video demonstration-

CNC machine for wood burning in action

You can have a look into this video as well.

Laser vs Wire-Tip Machine Types

You must know that there are two types of CNC machines for pyrography. One burns with a laser and another with a wire tip. And here is what you need to know about these them.

  • Laser CNC Machine For Wood Burning

The laser CNC machine has lasers for burning wood and other material with heat. It burns with the “dot” method, and getting different shades with this type of machine is pretty challenging.

This is a detail article for Laser Woodburns.

  • Wire Tip CNC Machine

Wire tip CNC machine will give you the regular pyrography machine or pen vibe. This type of tip will burn wood more smoothly, and you can achieve various shades as you want.

How To Do Burns With A CNC Pyrography Machine?

If you are a noob when it comes to using a CNC machine, it is best to learn how the machine works first. As the machine requires computer programming for printing images, you must know how to set things up from a pro.

Nevertheless, here is the basic idea of how to use this machine.

  • First, you need to choose an image that you want to print on the wood. It can be anything from a logo, quote, design, artwork, or portrait. Or, you can just create your design or image on software.
  • Adjust the dimension of the art or image you want to print.
  • Set up your pyrography material in the machine. Make sure the wood or material is secured properly into the machine so that it wouldn’t move.
  • If your CNC machine has a temperature control system, you can adjust the burning temperature easily.
  • Once all the data are set up, the machine will find its starting point and will begin to burn wood to print your design. 
  • And based on the image’s complexity, it can take less than an hour to several hours to complete it.

Burning Issues – Possible Reasons And Solutions

Sometimes you may face over burn or under burn. Is the CNC machine burning more than you need? Or is it failing to burn the right shade? Well, these can happen for several reasons.

Here are some possible reasons why you might be facing these problems and how you can fix them.

Too High Speed

Of course, the most obvious reason the machine is overburning the wood has something to do with the speed. The CNC machine works in a peculiar way, and its slow or high speed impacts the burning level. If the speed is too high, the tip will fail to burn the surface properly.


You must watch out for the speed. If the artwork or image requires multiple shading, you can try lowering the speed a little.

Too Low Speed

Contrary to a high-speed CNC machine, if it moves too slowly, it will easily overburn the material surface. Moreover, it can end up engraving a deeper texture than required if it burns too slowly.


If the slow-moving machine tip is the culprit, your job is to make sure it moves a little faster. But not too fast because that could again cause the problem I have discussed above.

Too Much Buildups On Burner Tip

The burner that tip burns wood and other material to engrave designs gathers carbon buildup. And as the tip keeps gathering more buildups, it can cause either overburn of the wood or not burn it enough due to failing to supply enough heat.


Make sure you always keep the burning tip if it is wired because laser ones do not have such issues. You can remove the burner tip, clean it with warm water, or sand it if necessary.

Machine Issue

And let’s not forget that the temperature issue can be the reason why the burner machine is failing to burn the material correctly. Or, maybe it is happening because the machine is faulty.


If the burning issue is happening despite setting the right temperature, it could be an issue with the machine itself. If that is the reason or the machine is old, make sure to get it checked by a professional.

How Do You Fix Overburn On Wood?

The solutions I have mentioned above are troubleshooting to avoid overburning of wood. But what do you do if the machine has already overburned the design? How do you fix them?

Here are some solutions to help you take care of the issues.

  • Sanding

Of course, the most obvious solution to lighten pyrography overburn is to sand it. It also happens to be one of the most effective solutions to the problem. Sanding helps lighten the pyrography burn, and it also helps eliminate raised grains and edges caused by the burning.

  • Hand Plane

Using hand planes is a good alternative to sanding. However, it is not everyone’s cup of tea, as using hand planes can be pretty challenging. Besides, if you don’t do it right, you may end up removing more than you intend to, making the surface uneven and even ruining the pyrography design.

  • Re-burning

If the burn seems beyond fixable, you don’t have much choice left or can do anything about it. So if the project is too important or a client’s work, it is best to just re-burn or redo the pyrography work, but more carefully.

Final Words

If you are planning to get a CNC machine for woodburning, it is important to know how the machine works and what to expect. And if that is the case, I believe this article will help you handle everything well.

Many technical things and tools are covered in these articles –

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